Academic equity is important to me. If your access to writing support (i.e. for college essays) is limited, I work pro-bono. Contact me for more info.
Curriculum Writer and Teacher Educator
Providing professional development and support for high school teachers and programmatic consulting for schools. I create literature-based courses for high school students. In addition, I write about the arts, education, and other topics for publication and on my Substack, “Wising Up Together.”
GRANT UPDATE: I was awarded a second National Endowment for the Humanities grant to design and direct a two-week immersive summer institute for high school teachers called “Friendship and Identity in Literature, Film, and Adolescence.” It was held at Boston University in July, 2024. The Institute, its teacher-participants, and our visiting guest scholars were all outstanding. Check out www.teachingfriendship.org to learn more about the Institute, and about teaching friendship literacy in high school.
I write about teaching practice, parenting, teaching poetry, and using literature to cultivate students’ wisdom. I write curricula and resources for teachers. I also write long and short form essays at karenharris.substack.com
True, fearless educational innovation requires fierce advocacy, calculated risk-taking, deep familiarity with schools, and proven success as a classroom teacher. I bring all of this to my work with students, teachers, and schools.
Academic equity is important to me. If your access to writing support (i.e. for college essays) is limited, I work pro-bono. Contact me for more info.